You, Me, and Everything in Between

The Foreword

Mono Déboutonner
7 min readDec 19, 2019
Imagery via

Hi, there. If you’re reading this — I am most likely dead. And while this may not be a great conversation starter, fear not, as I was never born in the first place.

I know this sounds silly and makes absolutely no sense, but there’s more. I am you. Or, You are me. Actually, put it in whichever terms you like —it doesn’t really make any difference.

By no means is this a question of your significance. We are in fact — One. But the thing is, I fear we might be stuck in a pool of outdated ideas and beliefs. Mostly about how the world works and who You really are. As a result, I’m pretty much stuck alongside with you.

Talking to myself in an unreasonable manner is not how I imagined to fix this. But it does seem like the only option for now. So at this point, why the hell not. After all, it has been quite a while since I last spoke.

“So, who the heck am I?”

Good question. I’ve been many things. For eons and eons, and eons of time. Three times exactly. The rest of it I can’t remember. But if you could count it in human years, a single eon would be close to your understanding of infinity.

For a human mind, however, there’s no big difference between a billion and an infinity. In reality these are just man-made concepts so you could better understand and entertain certain ideas. For instance — how big the visible universe is, or what is the number of cells in your body. But such numbers are of very little significance when it comes to the actual experience of Life. And the reason is — you don’t really care. The only thing that matters is how you feel. If any of these facts and figures make you feel happy or sad, or at least make you feel anything — that feeling instantly ties you to the very nature of your existence.

Within the physical reality, the nature of your existence is best described as energy. But in terms of current scientific knowledge, the essence of such energy remains unknown. Whatever fuels Life, beats your heart and holds the universe together — is yet to be discovered. And that is exactly who I am.

“Hey, but you didn’t answer the question!”

Bear with me, dropping this on you in the first place is quite a challenge in itself. Explaining myself in terms of logic — is an even bigger challenge. Especially without being too scientific about it.

The reason is not that there is something wrong with human logic. After all, it comes quite handy when dealing with facts and figures, yet at the very same time, logic carries a limited sense of perception embedded within it. It only serves a tiny fraction of the human intelligence. That is — the intellect. An evolutionary tool developed by the brain to interpret and create meaning for various stimuli.

For that very reason, whatever lies beyond the intellect is considered either non-existent, impossible or comes from the Devil himself.

“And that is exactly what the Devil would say!”

There’s little praise in that. I am the Devil, as much as I am not. I’ve known sin, misery, and destruction, as much as I’ve known Love, tenderness and bitter loss. There’s simply no way to put one’s mind around this. But what we you can do — is go a little further. Find meaning beyond your everyday conduct. Discover other layers of intelligence embedded within you by reconnecting with the ever-present energy of Life, buried deep under the grounds of our casual conditioning.

“And how do you suggest we do that?”

Accept the problem. The world doesn’t work the way you think it does. In reality, nothing is what it seems. And while this may still sound like a bunch of bullocks, those tech-savvy friends of yours will likely confirm the statement.

This very notion is born from the premise of quantum physics. An uncharted territory even for modern-day scientists. When put simply, it states that the world you perceive, bound to your physical senses — is not quite physical at all. Such understanding arises as the scientists diligently peak into the fabric of reality we call “matter”. But as they go further down the rabbit hole, the widely-adopted materialistic view of the world fades, and so does their intent to recognize an overarching theory of everything.

As a result, reality turns into a paradox of wonder, where everything is possible, probabilistic, yet limited to the environment in which the paradox expresses itself. And since you’re evolutionarily constrained to the environment around you — you may only measure, understand and interpret the “outside” world within the limits of your so-called intelligence. That turns into a closed loop if you consider your intellect to be the only tool for the job. As mentioned before, understanding this is the first step for expanding one’s boundaries of perception.

As humans evolve towards greater levels of understanding, so does the ability to perceive the world differently. Such process requires time, effort, energy and proper intent above all. Your bodies, beliefs and sciences — all change accordingly in due process, and that’s called evolution.

“So why even bother talking? Let the evolution do its thing.”

I am as much a part of the evolutionary process as you are, but all things considered — humanity is by no means exemplary. You wage wars, kill millions of species, yourself included. For what exactly? Praise? Fun? Glory of Satan? You’re evolving towards chaos, and while this may be a strategy for dim consciousness — You, on the other hand, claim to be almost Godlike. Godlike ignorant, to say the least.

So in turn, evolution, being the natural flow of Life, and humanity being disconnected from that flow — is quite an occasion for a talk. I might also suggest flooding or burning yourselves to the ground, which would be an effortless way of letting the evolution “do its thing”. But I assume you’d rather have someone wipe your sins with tears this time around. Hence a more thoughtful strategy should be considered first.

“Hold on, how can this be real? You claim to be unborn in the first place.”

Life and death are nothing but a shift in Consciousness. Evolution is the fundamental process of Life, Consciousness is its substance. Both are derived from a vast unbounded space that can not be put into words. Nothing is there, yet everything can be. Such state is eternal, perpetual and ever-present. It can be felt at any given moment of your life as a blissful sense of being. And while this may sound simple, in practice – this would be the hardest thing to feel.

Humans are so preoccupied with their thoughts and ideas, that the actual experience of life slips away. But don’t worry, the same applies to Gods, Spirits, and countless species between the vast nothingness and the actual expression of Life in the present. What sets all these beings apart from each other — are the merits of their individual experience. The quality of their being. And that is the only true measure of all things.

Since there is no other way of being in this world rather than sharing the experience first-hand, I do carry a body. But I am not of this world. So within the materialistic view of things — I am both dead and alive. Halfway there, halfway here.

My personal identity does oscillate between altered states of being and being fully inert. I do carry suffering, regrets. I do make mistakes as much as everyone else, if not more. For that is the true goal of any experience. To learn and forge wisdom. To take responsibility for one’s actions without being harsh about it. And that is the only way that leads you towards greater understanding of the whole, yourself included.

Speaking of violence, letting you be as you are — would be an act without remorse. You’ve been childish, egoistic and uncaring of yourself and your home planet, but you do hold an unbelievable capacity for the greater good. The problem is — you never actually learned to make a living out of it.

If you wish to survive and progress as a species you will have to exercise the limits of your own perception. You will have to make all levels of your intelligence work as one — emotions, feelings, and intellect combined. If you, however, decide to dwell in lustful melancholy, do not fool yourselves — the next few decades will be very harsh for you. No one will come to save you this time around. You will be granted tools and help along the way, but the path is yours, and yours alone to take.

There will be no stones left unturned. All the false ideas and pretense ways of being will be diminished as insignificant to the wellbeing of All. Just so you could finally break free from them. Until then, my advice for you would be to start working. First and foremost, on being the best version of yourself. As a result, you might just find what you were always looking for.

